Image showing Error “Target class controller does not exist” when using Laravel 8

Error “Target class controller does not exist” when using Laravel 8

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If you’re a Laravel developer, you’ve likely come across the infamous “Target class controller does not exist” error. This error can be frustrating, especially when you’re just starting out with the framework. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into what causes this error and how you can fix it.


Laravel is a popular PHP framework that makes web development easier and more efficient. However, as with any framework, there can be errors that you encounter along the way. One of the most common errors that Laravel developers face is the “Target class controller does not exist” error.

What causes the error?

This error is usually caused by an issue with Laravel’s namespace system. Specifically, it can occur when the namespace or class name of your controller does not match the namespace or class name that Laravel is expecting. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as typos or incorrect naming conventions.

How to fix the error

Thankfully, fixing the “Target class controller does not exist” error is usually straightforward. Here are some steps you can take to resolve the issue:

Check your namespace and class name

The first thing you should do is double-check the namespace and class name of your controller. Make sure that the namespace matches the directory structure of your controller file, and that the class name matches the file name.

Use the correct namespace in your routes

When defining your routes, make sure that you’re using the correct namespace for your controller. If your controller is in a subdirectory, you’ll need to include the full namespace in your routes.

Clear your cache

If you’ve recently made changes to your code, it’s possible that Laravel’s caching system has not picked up those changes. Try running the following command to clear Laravel’s cache:

php artisan cache:clear

Use Composer dump-autoload

If clearing the cache doesn’t work, you can try using the Composer dump-autoload command. This command will regenerate Laravel’s autoloader files, which can sometimes fix namespace-related errors:

composer dump-autoload

Check your file permissions

If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that your controller file or directory does not have the correct file permissions. Make sure that the file and directory are readable and writable by the web server user.


The “Target class controller does not exist” error can be frustrating to deal with, but it’s usually easily fixable. By double-checking your namespace and class names, using the correct namespace in your routes, clearing Laravel’s cache, and regenerating the autoloader files, you should be able to get your application up and running smoothly again.


  1. What is Laravel? Laravel is a PHP framework for web development.

  2. Why am I getting the “Target class controller does not exist” error? This error is usually caused by an issue with Laravel’s namespace system, such as an incorrect namespace or class name.

  3. How do I fix the error? You can fix the error by double-checking your namespace and class names, using the correct namespace in your routes, clearing Laravel’s cache, and regenerating the autoloader files.

  4. Can file permissions cause the error? Yes, it’s possible that incorrect file permissions can cause the “Target class controller does not exist” error.

  5. Is Laravel difficult to learn? Laravel has a learning curve like any framework, but it’s generally considered to be beginner-friendly and easy to use.

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