Archive of posts with category 'jenkins' and lang 'en'
How can I make Jenkins CI with Git trigger on pushes to master
Automate Your Developer Workflow with Github Actions
[RÉSOLU] Les dépendances Maven échouent avec une erreur 501
J’ai une installation jekins sur mon infrastructure. J’ai découvert que récemment mes travaux maven échouaient avec une exception indiquant qu’ils ne pouvaient pas extraire les dépendances. Voici comment je l’ai résolu.
Overview on jenkins
Today we are going to deep dive into that [[2022-07-21-how-to-run-jenkins-jobs-with-docker jenkins]] is and how it improves your devops continuous integration environments.
A complete tutorial about jenkins file
In this post I am going to show you what [[2022-07-21-how-to-run-jenkins-jobs-with-docker jenkins]] file is how to create it and what the syntax looks like.
Jenkins CI Pipeline Scripts not permitted to use method groovy.lang.GroovyObject
Apache groovy is an object-oriented programming language used for the jvm platform. This dynamic language has a lot of features drawing inspiration from python small talk and ruby.
How to run jenkins jobs with docker
I have successfully deployed my [[2022-07-27-jenkins-ci-pipeline-scripts-not-permitted-to-use-method-groovy-lang-groovyobject jenkins]] instance and did a good [[2020-04-03-how-to-setup-your-local-nodejs-development-environment-using-docker setup]] in my [[2022-08-31-a-complete-tutorial-about-jenkins-file jenkins file]]. Now I am configuring it to [[2023-04-11-explore-your-container-with-docker-run run]] my jobs. My target is to have some task run [[2022-01-15-how-do-i-connect-mysql-workbench-to-mysql-inside-docker inside]] a [[2022-08-24-what-is-difference-between-docker-attach-and-exec docker]] [[2022-09-21-how-do-you-ping-a-docker-container-from-the-outside container]].
the trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty on Linux, or why is the default truststore empty
I am moving my configuration from a windows machine into an Amazon AWS EC2 instances which runs Linux.
TrustAnchors parameter must be non-empty
I have successfully installed and made to work an Hudson installation on Windows machine. Now I am trying to move my installation to a [[2022-07-14-the-trustanchors-parameter-must-be-non-empty-on-linux-or-why-is-the-default-truststore-empty Linux]] server.
[RÉSOLU] Les dépendances Maven échouent avec une erreur 501
J’ai une installation jekins sur mon infrastructure. J’ai découvert que récemment mes travaux maven échouaient avec une exception indiquant qu’ils ne pouvaient pas extraire les dépendances. Voici comment je l’ai résolu.
[SOLVED] Maven dependencies are failing with a 501 error
I have a jekins installation on my infrastructure. I found that recently my maven [[2022-07-21-how-to-run-jenkins-jobs-with-docker jobs]] are failing with an exception saying that they couldn’nt pull dependencies. Here is how I solved it.