
Archive of posts with category 'productivity' and lang 'en'

Windows ne démarre pas correctement après une mise à jour récente du système d'exploitation

Windows ne démarre pas correctement après une mise à jour récente du système d'exploitation

Que se passe-t-il lorsque Windows commence à lancer des messages d’erreur ennuyeux à chaque fois que vous essayez de lancer le système d’exploitation ? Si vous essayez de vous connecter pour la journée et que vous travaillez réellement dans les délais critiques que vous avez, et que vous n’avez pas vraiment de service informatique pour vous aider, c’est probablement le pire endroit où se trouver.

Help! Windows Won't Boot Correctly After a Recent OS Update

Help! Windows Won't Boot Correctly After a Recent OS Update

What happens when [[2020-09-01-how-to-take-a-screenshot-in-windows Windows]] starts tossing up annoying error messages each and every time you try to launch the operating system? If you’re trying to log in for the day and actually do work for the critical deadlines you have, and you don’t really have an IT department to help out, this is probably the worst spot to be in.

Why Do My Download Speeds Differ So Drastically Between Computers?

Why Do My Download Speeds Differ So Drastically Between Computers?

The good news? Measuring that ROI is arguably easier than ever for small businesses. By stressing efficiency and using the right tools, uncovering and tracking new leads, traffic and revenue don’t have to feel like a guessing game. Making it all happen starts with a process of defining what positive results look like and identifying the most efficient paths to achieving those results. For business leaders, this means making each and every marketing touchpoint, message and published asset count, so you know you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Instead of blindly throwing time and money at what “should” work, teams need to look inward to figure out how they can deliver more value. Below I’ve outlined what a smooth, streamlined marketing strategy looks like in 2018 and beyond. No tricks, no gimmicks or “hacks” here. Just five simple steps businesses of any size can follow to ensure their marketing efforts are as ROI-positive as possible. 1. Look before you leap Prior to spending a dime or diving into any sort of marketing program, you need to have a plan. And remember, there’s a huge difference between brainstorming a vague or unattainably lofty marketing plan that you may never actually execute and mapping out your SMART goals. Unclear goals like “growing your audience” or “driving engagement” might sound nice, but what do they actually mean? For example, there’s a huge difference between “sending cold emails” and “sending 25 cold emails per day to a list of targeted prospects, to grow our customer base by 10% by the end of the quarter.” Whether you’re talking about growing revenue, driving traffic or anything between, your team needs to have specific objectives in mind. In short, something you can measure. When you have a metric to track (think: dollar signs, funnel volume,...

Why Do My Download Speeds Differ So Drastically Between Computers?

Why Do My Download Speeds Differ So Drastically Between Computers?

The good news? Measuring that ROI is arguably easier than ever for small businesses. By stressing efficiency and using the right tools, uncovering and tracking new leads, traffic and revenue don’t have to feel like a guessing game. Making it all happen starts with a process of defining what positive results look like and identifying the most efficient paths to achieving those results. For business leaders, this means making each and every marketing touchpoint, message and published asset count, so you know you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Instead of blindly throwing time and money at what “should” work, teams need to look inward to figure out how they can deliver more value. Below I’ve outlined what a smooth, streamlined marketing strategy looks like in 2018 and beyond. No tricks, no gimmicks or “hacks” here. Just five simple steps businesses of any size can follow to ensure their marketing efforts are as ROI-positive as possible. 1. Look before you leap Prior to spending a dime or diving into any sort of marketing program, you need to have a plan. And remember, there’s a huge difference between brainstorming a vague or unattainably lofty marketing plan that you may never actually execute and mapping out your SMART goals. Unclear goals like “growing your audience” or “driving engagement” might sound nice, but what do they actually mean? For example, there’s a huge difference between “sending cold emails” and “sending 25 cold emails per day to a list of targeted prospects, to grow our customer base by 10% by the end of the quarter.” Whether you’re talking about growing revenue, driving traffic or anything between, your team needs to have specific objectives in mind. In short, something you can measure. When you have a metric to track (think: dollar signs, funnel volume,...


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