Image showing Laravel Eloquent groupBy() AND also return count of each group

Laravel Eloquent groupBy() AND also return count of each group

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Are you tired of manually grouping your Laravel Eloquent data? Do you want an easier way to group your data and also get a count of each group? Look no further than the groupBy() function in Laravel Eloquent!

What is Laravel Eloquent?

Before we dive into the groupBy() function, let’s first talk about what Laravel Eloquent is. Laravel Eloquent is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) system that allows you to work with databases in an object-oriented way. It provides a simple and elegant syntax for working with databases, making it easy to perform common tasks such as querying, updating, and deleting data.

What is groupBy()?

The groupBy() function in Laravel Eloquent is a powerful tool that allows you to group your data based on a specific column or set of columns. It groups your data into separate collections, each containing all the rows with a matching value in the specified column(s).

How to use groupBy() in Laravel Eloquent?

Using groupBy() in Laravel Eloquent is incredibly easy. Simply chain the groupBy() method onto your query builder instance and pass in the name of the column(s) you want to group by. Here’s an example:

$users = DB::table('users')->select('age', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))->groupBy('age')->get();

In this example, we’re selecting the age column and using the count() function to get the total number of rows in each age group. We then group the data by the age column using the groupBy() function.

How to return the count of each group?

If you want to return the count of each group along with your grouped data, simply add the count() function to your select statement. Here’s an example:

$users = DB::table('users')->select('age', DB::raw('count(*) as total'))->groupBy('age')->get();

In this example, we’re using the count() function to get the total number of rows in each age group. We’re also aliasing the count() function as total in our select statement so that we can easily reference it later.


In conclusion, the groupBy() function in Laravel Eloquent is an incredibly useful tool for grouping your data based on specific columns. It’s easy to use and can save you a lot of time and effort when working with large datasets. And with the ability to also return the count of each group, you can gain even more insights into your data.


  1. What is Laravel Eloquent?
  • Laravel Eloquent is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) system that allows you to work with databases in an object-oriented way.
  1. What is groupBy() in Laravel Eloquent?
  • The groupBy() function in Laravel Eloquent is a powerful tool that allows you to group your data based on a specific column or set of columns.
  1. How do you use groupBy() in Laravel Eloquent?
  • Simply chain the groupBy() method onto your query builder instance and pass in the name of the column(s) you want to group by.
  1. How do you return the count of each group in Laravel Eloquent?
  • Add the count() function to your select statement and alias it as a new column name so that you can easily reference it later.
  1. Why is groupBy() useful in Laravel Eloquent?
  • groupBy() is useful because it allows you to easily group your data based on specific columns and gain insights into your data by also returning the count of each

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