Migrate Your Current VPS (Linode, Rackspace, AWS EC2) to DigitalOcean (reviewed)

You may want to move your data from a server to another for any reason. Migrating between VPS providers can seem like a daunting task. Like DigitalOcean, other VPS providers, such as Linode and Rackspace, provide root access. This allows you to transfer all of the necessary files to your new DigitalOcean VPS. For this guide, we will demonstrate how to transfer a simple WordPress blog from Linode to a DigitalOcean cloud server.

3 ways to connect your Dolibarr container to local database

One of the priorities of a system administrator is the performance optimization of the deployments and the underlying infrastructure. I have a deployed and running mariadb on a linux server. It is optimized for performance and database storage. Now I am planning deploying a dolibarr docker container on top of it. How can I connect from the dolibarr docker container to the local mariadb database?

How to fix cannot TCP connect from outside Virtual Machine, network traffic not forwarded to Service Port

Most of the time when you configure your kubernetes cluster, using the default ingress controller settings works. But when you need to do something custom, you may run into problems. Your underlying docker and kubernetes engine may give you head eaches. We will see in this walkthrough, how to fix on of these and put a smile back on your face.

How does code server works?

Imagine Visual Studio Code running in a web browser. That is code-server. It allows you to code as soon as you have an internet connection and a brower. You can work on any device such as a tablet or laptop with a consistent integrated development environment (IDE). Set up a secure a Linux development machine and get coding on any device with a web browser.

3 easy solutions to run minikube in an Ubuntu VM vm_VT-X/AMD-v

How to [[2023-04-04-should-a-docker-container-run-as-root-or-user run]] [[2020-08-12-play-with-kubernetes-with-minikube minikube]] in a [[2022-01-11-how-to-fix-cannot-tcp-connect-from-outside-virtual-machine-network-traffic-not-forwarded-to-service-port Virtual]] [[2022-01-11-how-to-fix-cannot-tcp-connect-from-outside-virtual-machine-network-traffic-not-forwarded-to-service-port Machine]] Ubuntu vm_VT-X/AMD-v

Help! Windows Won't Boot Correctly After a Recent OS Update

What happens when Windows starts tossing up annoying error messages each and every time you try to launch the operating system? If you’re trying to log in for the day and actually do work for the critical deadlines you have, and you don’t really have an IT department to help out, this is probably the worst spot to be in. Since we’re all stuck—or will soon be stuck—in our homes and apartments for the foreseeable future, The question: I have a Windows 10 desktop. Several weeks ago windows

Multiline Properties in kubernetes Helm with ConfigMaps

There are several APIs in Kubernetes. A ConfigMap is one of these. It is an object which helps to storing some non-confidential data. The data is in the form of key-value pairs. Some use envrionment variables. In this blog post, we will see how you can show multi-value lines. Working with Kubernetes Helm, I went to the documentation.


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