On my website installation, I need a mysql database to store my posts and configuration. During the configuration, I suddently run into a strange error: mysql server is complaining about authentication issues. Here is how I solved it.
The TL;DR anwser
Run this command:
mysql -u root -p
When you are prompted for the password, hit enter key (leave the password blank).
My setup
I am working on windows machine. I used the Web Platform Installer
to have a development stack on my machine.
I am intending to use Wordpress for my website.
Important note: I never set a password for the MySQL during the install process.
Attempt to connect without password
To connect to the database, I used the following command:
mysql -u root -p
Then it asks a password which I don’t have. :(
Attempt to connect with a password
I tried to connect using this command.
mysql -u root password '123'
Then it throws this back:
Access denied for user 'root@localhost' (using password:NO)
The solution
First, I made a mistake
There is a mistake in the command I ran. For the password, you need to use either -p
or --password
So this command is wrong.
mysql -u root password '123'
The right command is:
mysql -u root --password '123'
The default password
The default password for root
for the installation is blank
. Not the litteral word, but “nothing”.
The steps to solve
Connect to the MySQl server with blank password.
Run this command:
mysql -u root -p
When you are prompted for the password, hit enter key (leave the password blank).
After that, you can set a password for the root
To fix the issue you are having, you first need to:
- check that your command is correct.
- connect to the MySQL server with root account and blank password.
- set a password for root user.